Network engineer career path

Network engineer salaries range from $46,500 to more than $115,000 annually, depending upon skills and experience. Engineers can also earn bonuses, and some employers offer profit-sharing in addition. Network engineers work 40 hours a week, but they may be called in for weekends, evenings and outside of business hours to resolve technical problems.Network engineers may also pursue different paths within the networking field. Network analysts specialize in installation and maintenance for networks and often cross over between the technical and business sides of an organization. Network managers fill a similar role, but must train and direct network technicians. More specialized roles include cloud networking architects, who assist organizations with cloud infrastructure deployment, and network security specialists, who detect and prevent network security threats. Other specialists focus on engineering for VoIP, telecom and data centers.

Read More; networking jobs
A number of universities and other institutions offer network engineer training programs. A network engineer may only need an associate degree to obtain an entry-level job, but most positions will require a bachelor's degree in computer science or additional experience. Many network engineers are also drawn from fields such as electrical engineering, physics or mathematics. For many engineers, additional qualifications and training is closely tied to the Cisco engineering certification program, which offers five levels of career training. Other certifications are available from vendors and organizations such as Juniper Networks, Microsoft, Aruba, Alcatel-Lucent, Riverbed Technology Inc., SolarWinds, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Extreme Networks Inc. and the IPv6 Forum.


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